Hi everybody, during alert level two we are able to see you for routine face to face consultations.
-In short this means you deciding with your therapist whether you'd prefer ppe gear worn or not, as it is not essential except for vulnerable community members.
-Physical contact is allowed (ie face down in a table, working with limbs) but ideally limited. Even neck work is fine, but face to face contact should be limited.
-Finally, reassuring you that we will be cleaning common surfaces between clients with extra break times between each of you to reduce unessesary contact.
-Please stay home if you have any viral symptoms
For more detail please read the protocols below, these are based on the physiotherapist and acupuncture register guidelines to maximise safety for all of us. They include ongoing risk assessment and appropriate infection prevention control procedures.
There will be hand sanitiser at the entrance for you to please use
Cleaning Protocols
- Smooth surfaces such as door knobs, desks, waiting area chairs etc and so on are the kind of surface virus most easily attaches to and will be cleaned regularly between clients.
-Our usual hand hygiene practices will be followed carefully, as we all know by now, soap and water is the most effective killer of viruses
-Sorry, no magazines or cups of tea for the time being! Water in disposable cups will be available.
-The virus has not been found to last long on cloth and our usual single use towel procedures will be sufficient, however some of us are moving to disposable paper table coverings for level 2 anyway.
-Some therapist are asking you to bring your own linen, they will let you know in advance
Longer time between appointments
This will give us time to clean, and prevents you, our clients, from bumping into each other.
(Please be aware this will also mean that there may be fewer available appointments with your therapist)
If you're in a vulnerable Group, over 70 or immune compromised.
-Please consider delaying your appointment until level 1
-We will be wearing PPE for your appointment if you need to come in.
Contact Tracing
-Our booking times and contact details will be recorded as usual for contact tracing.
-If you need to bring a support person with you, we will also need to record their contact details. If you can please come alone.
If you feel sick, stay home and get tested
-We have been asked to tell you not to come in if you or anyone in your bubble are sick with cold or flu symptoms.
-If you have made an appointment and then get any symptoms, please cancel the appointment.
PPE gear (eg Masks) have not been strictly recommended by MOH for Physio's and other health providers
-From the Physio register
“...the Ministry of Health advise that if a patient has been screened as above, is not symptomatic, the physiotherapist is not undertaking an aerosol generating procedure, and there is no exposure to bodily fluids, then physiotherapists are not required to wear PPE.
The Ministry has confirmed this advice also applies to close up manual therapy techniques such as cervical mobilisation.
Physiotherapists or patients however, may still choose to wear a mask if they wish.
The only departure from this advice for those patients who are at a higher risk of severe illness from COVID-19. If a patient is part of a vulnerable group and maintaining physical distancing of at least 2 metres is not possible, the physiotherapist should wear a surgical mask, irrespective of the type of care to be provided.
PPE gloves/gowns are otherwise only required if there will be exposure to bodily fluids....”
-You can choose whether you wish to wear a mask and together we can decide whether we also will wear one with you too.
-If you are in a vulnerable group (over 70, immune compromised) and must come in, we will wear PPE
-FYI Masks are most effective when worn by a sick person to prevent spread. If you're sick you won't be coming in (and we will not be seeing people if we are sick of course!) They are less effective at keeping a well person from picking up a virus.
-Please remember, masks are at their most effective when fresh (changed 2-3x / hour). When wet, they become a possible source of contagion themselves.
-Link for MOH PPE guidelines
Clinic room procedures
We still like you! But we must...
maintain one metre separation where possible (for instance during subjective examination when touch is not required) and minimise contact time closer than one metre.
minimise the use of equipment such as pillows which are not easy to clean or replace.