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Health issues surrounding sugar are all over the news again

sugar free

Children's teeth, obesity and a proposal to tax sugar are being discussed. Below, we've included a number of articles showing differing viewpoints.

Did you know that there are higher levels of sugar in NZ soft drinks that in other countries such as Canada and Australia?…/sugar-high-nz-soft-drinks-sweet…

Also, what are your thoughts on a graphic showing the number of teaspoons of sugar in a product to help people understand sugar levels?… and…/rob-beaglehole-the-sugar-needs-…

Is a sugar tax of unproven benefit which disproportionately taxes people of lower socioeconomic status, or a proven way forward to reduce sugar consumption and leverage peoples food choices for the future benefit of everyone?…/dont-trust-them-just-regulate-…and…

Soft drink companies have put out 0-sugar artificially sweetened products in response to the health issues, but are these really any better for our health? (Definitely not the opinion of us at NHC!)…/should-you-swap-sugar-for-arti…/

Check out this feisty Kiwi dentist! He's involved in the Otago University research blog above, as well as the earlier RNZ article about having to remove children's teeth......…/new-zealand-dentist-rob-beaglehol…