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Joannes Boele van Hensbroek





Available at The Natural Health Centre on Wednesdays. To book with him please text 0272 420 352.


About Joannes

A skilled physiotherapist and acupuncturist, Joannes gained a diploma in massage (1980) and BSc in physiotherapy at the International College of Physiotherapy in Utrecht (the Netherlands) in 1984. He has 20+ years experience working in the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, the United States, and New Zealand with acute and chronic injuries, joint and muscle pain, and sports physiotherapy.

A member of the New Zealand Society of Physiotherapists (MNZSP) and an accredited ACC treatment provider, Joannes moved to New Zealand in 1988.

He returned to the UK to study at the International College of Oriental Medicine and graduated with a licence in acupuncture after four years full-time study. He is now a Member of the New Zealand Register of Acupuncturists (MNZRA).

Joannes has gained a Certificate in Touch for Health – Kinesiology, which enables him to do Food Allergy testing to find out which foods patients are allergic too.

Check out his website:

What is acupuncture?

An ancient therapy originating in China acupuncture has been successfully used for over 5000 years to prevent disease and restore people to health. It is increasingly being taught and used in the West as a safe, effective form of medicine.

Acupuncture treats the person rather than the disease. It sees the body as a total functioning unit combining physical, mental and emotional aspects - which all need to be in balance. Symptoms and pain are seen as imbalances in the body’s system. A range of factors - environmental stress, genetic makeup, can cause these imbalances. Emotional upsets, poor diet, trauma, drugs. Used often for the treatment of chronic pain, acupuncture is also successfully used to treat a wide variety of problems including cystitis, palpitation, breathing problems, anxiety, abnormal blood pressure, endometriosis, irritable bowel syndrome, skin problems and frequent colds. Once balance is restored, the symptoms disappear.

How does acupuncture work?

Acupuncture works on the natural flow of energy in the body. It stimulates the body to heal itself, by adjusting the energy flow, balancing and clearing blockages to restore the body to health. It can also used as a preventive measure - correcting potential imbalances at an early stage to prevent more serious conditions developing. It is suitable for both children and adults.

What happens during your consultation?

During an initial consultation of about ¾ hour Joannes will ask detailed questions about your medical history, any current problems and your mental and emotional well being. Other issues that may be covered include the results of any medical tests, your diet, food likes and dislikes, and your lifestyle. He will complete your diagnosis by carefully observing your skin colour, tongue, facial and bodily features, sensitivity to touch, and your pulse. This is felt in 12 different positions -corresponding to the 12 main organs.

How would it make you feel?

Very fine needles are inserted into the appropriate energy points on the body. Sterile disposable needles are always used - so fine are the needles that their insertion causes a brief sensation and does not draw blood. Needle free acupuncture is also offered. During the treatment you can experience a sensation of relaxation.

The needles are left in position for about 20 minutes. Other methods may be used along with acupuncture including, moxibustion or heat treatment, cupping or pressure, massage and gentle manual mobilisation.

How do clients feel about it?

Instant pain relief, without any pain – Charlie

Acupuncture makes me feel good and relieves and helps my chronic back pain – Lyn

I was very sceptical, but 3x treatments cured my migraines and I am sold on it now – Sue

Acupuncture was pain free, relaxing and made me feel good – Matthew

Acupuncture reduced my chronic breast cysts to only two. I won’t do anything else to help my problems – Annie

Acupuncture has relieved my son’s chronic headaches – Chrissie